lunedì, giugno 30, 2008

What can I say

Denial is one of my middle names
Blind faith the other


It is so tipically me
To fall for guys like you

If I went to the depths of earth,
I would still fall for the shadow
the light
the mirror
of the night

And it would still be an image of you!

Damn you!

domenica, giugno 29, 2008

you have no idea

You have no idea of the effect you have on me
A smile
A glance
An efemeral scent
It makes my whole day
It leaves me speechless
senseless and silly

Thank you!

e viva españa!

Sometime one has to go home

To where we belong
Where we feel whole
I'll tell you when I get there
Once I find the way

Chris Daughtry - Home

sabato, giugno 28, 2008

Fora de contexto (?!)

Os clássicos valem sempre a pena, mesmo fora de contexto (ou se calhar nem tanto)

Aretha Franklin - (You make me feel like a) Natural woman

venerdì, giugno 27, 2008

Who cares

Who cares if it is still a man's worls
Who cares if the things we do still go unoticed
Who cares if if it is raining
Who cares if the summer is over
Certain things still get deep inside
Make you feel
Make you smile
Even if it hurts... life is still worth living it
It is still a reason to cry and smile about
It just is...

This is a man's world - James Brown and Pavarotti

giovedì, giugno 26, 2008

Enough of misery

O verão acabou... foi rápido, mas o outono também é estacao e novos verões virão!

Nina Simone - I'm feeling good

Não percebo metade...

Mas que me interessa, não percebo a vida també, mas tenho que viver... nao é?! E gramar da gaja, ainda por cima. Por isso às vezes tenho vontade de atirar tudo para o ar... outras vezes deixo-me estar... finjo que há coisas que valem a pena e mais um dia passam.

Falco - Jeanny

Still sucks

and it still takes two to tango.

and I still haven't been able to get on with my life...


giovedì, giugno 19, 2008

Life sucks


(I feel like a dog chasing my own tail)


I pretend that it doesn't....

But it hurts!

That you don't see me as I see you...

It hurts to say goodbye

when I don't want to.

It hurts to ressuscitate

only to want to die again...

So I ask why...

Why only an efemeral glimps of what could be

And the eternal reality of what couldn't.

(I have got to start to read the stars right, and quit wasting my pressious time with false sattelites)

domenica, giugno 15, 2008

We all need some hope

Twista - Hopeful

venerdì, giugno 13, 2008


Somehow it is you.
I can't explain it, but it is...

Improbable dialogue

- Are you in love with me?
- As a matter of fact, I believe I am...
- Is this for real?
- I never pretend to love. Either I do it or I don't, and you I do!
- Is this a forever thing?
- Fortunate or unfortunately nothing is ever forever. But when I love it's always forever...

martedì, giugno 10, 2008

Amor é...

(de Sara Tavares)

Amor é nha fincapé...

Amar assim,
No fundo de mim
é mais que mais, que demais
Nada me satisfaz
Até arder
Até ao fim

Um ser faminto
um oceano dentro explodindo
por mais e mais e mais
Infinitamente mais
Tudo que o amor for capaz
Até romper
Até ao fim

Habita alto, divino
e fundo consumindo
Gota à gota
Sopro e sangue
Choro amante

Aperta fundo e profundo
dentro e corroendo
Pouco a pouco
Queimando louco
Para sempre

Amor é tudo
Amor é nada
Amor é asas
Amor é momento
Amor é sede
Amor é água
Amor é muito
Amor é alimento
Amor é corpo
Amor é alma
Amor é magia
Amor é do vento

Eternamente, eternamente...

Why aren't I smiling?!

Life tends to be ironic, cruel and with a lame sense of humour...
It gives me goodies when I am dieting or the teeth are aching,
It shows me no perspective when the heart is in need.
It gives me security when there is no one to show it to
And insecurity in a middle of a crowd.

I should be smiling, and I hate the world, I hate life
I don't get the joke
I don't find it funny

So I am sure it is mutual
What the hell am I supposed to do
halfway across the peninsula with that knowledge?

You better have a cunning plan that will compensate for all this uselessness.

I don't need platonic bullshit
I am not fooled by the 'beauty' of that anymore

I thought :P

É verão... já já passa.

Vanessa da Mata - Ai ai ai

sabato, giugno 07, 2008

Clap your hands

Brick & Lace - Love is wicked

As long as we are in the mood...

Duffy - Mercy

venerdì, giugno 06, 2008

Probably not

But it doesn't hurt to dream

Natalie Cole - This will be (an everlasting love)

martedì, giugno 03, 2008


Patience rewards all those who wait...
Do I want a reward, or do I want to know?!

lunedì, giugno 02, 2008

Letters to the bottomless well

I haven't summoned the courage to tell you that
I miss you...
I missed you the whole day today.
I wished to have a glimpse of you,
Even if a fugitive one.

I have to keep myself from telling you these things
I am sure they would surprise you somehow.
I have to find out whether I can even feel this way about you
Or if I should just forget and burry all this
As another meaningless, transient moment.

Lost in you

Ou não seria eu...

Sugarbabes - too lost in you

domenica, giugno 01, 2008

Some dreams

Some dreams die fast,
Some do stay on
But the thrill is we must
We have to move on...
