giovedì, marzo 01, 2007


Testei meu grau de honestidade

Resultado: 23 pontos

Você é o que se pode chamar de pessoa super-honesta. Seus princípios éticos são a toda prova, e nada poderá alterar a sua conduta, irrepreensível. Você é uma pessoa tão honesta que seria capaz de sacrificar-se para ajudar aos demais. Seus desapego às coisas materiais é muito grande e, por isso, você nunca dá importância ao dinheiro e outros bens; para você o importante é a sinceridade, a honestidade e o reto proceder. Pode estar certo (a) de que você é uma pessoa rara, uma espécie em extinção.

Estou obssecada porque ontem o meu cavaleiro lembrou-me que honestidade e fazer o correcto. E eu retruquei que a meu ver noa tem a ver com o correcto ou incorrecto, mas com ser-se verdadeiro com os sentimentos e emocoes. Mas fui a procura da definicao de honestidade e o que descobri nao abona em meu favor...

Ele esta preocupado com os inocentes que poderei magoar ao longo do caminho e eu continuao a perguntar-me: e comigo, quem se preocupa?

A Wiki diz o seguinte sobre a honestidade:

Honesty is the human quality of communicating and acting truthful and with fairness, as best one is able. It is related to truth as a value. This includes listening, reasoning and any action in the human repertoire — as well as speaking.
Superficially, honesty means simply, stating facts and views as best one truly believes them to be. It includes both honesty to others, and to oneself and about ones own motives and inner reality.

Socrates had much to say about truth, honesty and morality, and explained that if people really understood that their behavior was wrong — then they simply wouldn't choose it.

Confucius recognized several levels of honesty.

His shallowest concept of honesty was implied in his notion of Li: all actions committed by a person to build the ideal society - aiming at meeting their surface desires of a person either immediately (bad) or longer term (good).

Deeper than Li was Yi or righteousness. Rather than pursuing your own interests you should do what is right and moral - based on reciprocity.

The deepest level of honesty was Ren, out of which flowed Yi and thus Li. Confucius' morality was based upon empathy and understanding others, which required understanding one's own moral core first, rather than on divinely ordained rules, which could simply be obeyed.

Buddhist teching on honesty: “Real honesty is being honest about what your possibilities are, what your potentials are. That's where true honesty lies. It stretches us. It’s not simply admitting where we are - that’s a beginning step, it’s not the end step. So be honest about where you are but also be honest about what your possibilities are. That keeps the challenge of the path always before us.”

I am doomed!

I have no excuse!

Oh, what the hell, life still goes on...