martedì, marzo 23, 2010

I have been told

I have been told you're bad news
I have been told you're not to be trusted
I have been told you're selfish
I have been told that in the end you'll make me miserable
I have been told to brace for heartache

I have read that all that fall into this trap feel as I feel
I have read it is wrong, wrong, wrong, no matter what I tell myself
I have read that I should wake up

I feel more and more that I want out
For the first time only because I am not happy as I think I should be
For the first time because I'm thinking of me before you

I have been told eventually I would grow up...
Is eventually coming up?


Blogger Jácome D`Alva said...

não sabias dar sem dar tudo. que este momento sirva de viragem e te ensine para sempre, que tudo é demasiado. se nos consomem os dias, que os paguem a bom preço.

7:00 PM  
Blogger La Strega said...

Não sei se o momento é ainda de viragem, nem se aprendi já a minha licão...

Creio que darei sempre tudo, mas creio que terei cada vez menos medo de exigir tudo também.

9:56 PM  

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